The more you live through screens, the more you’re living in a narrow bandwidth, an abstract world that’s increasingly artificial.
ˈparəlaks/ noun
1. the effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions, e.g. through the viewfinder and the lens of a camera.
social media as the modern mirror
“Social Media functions as a developed mirror in its own right. A mirror doesn’t show the copy of a model exactly, through the appearance in the mirror a right hand becomes the left. The subject is also both here and somewhere else, and at the same time everywhere, being perceived from an uncertain distance in a complex depth. ― Alan W. Watts
“Every day, you and I and millions of people routinely respond to a stimulus and click and go without understanding what we’re getting ourselves into.” — Robert M. Pirsig
They would like to gaze at an untruthful mirror representing all as beautiful and see themselves in happiness . For them the mirror has not yet turned to a reflexive device to stimulate inward looking, and is solely a device intermediating the purposes of eradicating worries of external appearance . They do not look at the mirror, the mirror looks at them. ― Koso Joyo Daishi